A health sector manufacturer
Scientific and technological know-how
Our know-how is built on our company culture. It has multiple facets. We have a solid anatomic and clinical culture, which is the foundation of our profession as a medical device manufacturing company. We share that culture with health workers, and the bond between us leads to ideas as well as trust, which consolidate our positions on our markets.
Our knowledge, which is constantly renewed thanks to daily interactions with healthcare professionals, is combined with far-reaching technological know-how: comprehensive skills in plastics processes, fluid mechanics and solid-state chemistry. That alliance of skills is essential for our innovation projects, and for monitoring the quality and performance of our products.
Industrial know-how
Our industrial culture grew along with the company. We now have 11 factories worldwide, and we manufacture some 210 million medical devices every year.
9 of our factories are located in Europe, including 5 in France. We inspect the entire production line, from procurement of raw materials through to distribution logistics. We guarantee the traceability of our products and quality control.
Every pack we deliver results from the know-how and commitment of multidisciplinary teams that work together and learn from each other - the driving force behind Vygon.
Quality is our responsibility
In our profession, quality is not an option, it is an absolute necessity because patient health is always at stake when medical devices are used. Everyone here at Vygon is acutely aware that our products are not quite like any other; they are partly responsible for the quality of care provided to patients.
All the hard work channelled into guaranteeing the highest standards of quality, across the entire company, has convinced the medical industry that we are a company it can trust, now and in the future. Quality is our strength as well as our future, because it drives growth and guarantees our long-term survival. These are all good reasons why we work unwaveringly to improve our quality system.
Marketing, support and training

26 commercial subsidiaries in 120 countries and a network of distributors work to make sure the brand is extremely visible to customers.
Vygon also works in the field, it has solid understanding of how care protocols, hospitals and practitioners operate. We are determined to build even closer ties with those stakeholders. That’s why the brand rolls out a host of training programmes and local partnerships with hospital departments.
Through innovation, we encourage our sales teams to focus on finding solutions to their problems, and sometimes to problems they weren’t even aware of. This can involve suggesting a new product, service, protocol or training course, and so on.
To make sure we constantly improve the performance of our teams, in 2023 Vygon set up Vycademy, a veritable integrated training centre within our company for all our staff.