World Prematurity Day: an important celebration for Vygon
Since 2015, Vygon is committed to celebrate the tiniest and toughest fighters.
Since 2015, Vygon is committed to celebrate the tiniest and toughest fighters.

- What is the World Prematurity Day ?
The World Prematurity Day – on November 17th – is the occasion to raise awareness on neonatology, and encourage to improve the treatment and care of all premature babies on an international scale. The aim is to give preemies equal survival chances worldwide without avoidable long-term complications.
- What is the history of the World Prematurity Day?
It all started in 1997, when Silke Mader was expecting twins. They were delivered prematurely at 25 weeks of pregnancy, one passed away after one week and the other one is now a growing healthy teenager. This challenging experience taught Silke Mader that there were location-related gaps in premature babies care.
In 2008, she cofounded the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI). She joined forces with PD Dr Matthias Keller, neonatologist, Thomas Föringer, lawyer and Jürgen Popp, father who lost his premature triplets. Since then, their purpose has been to meaningfully improve the care and situation of preterm babies and their families on an European level.
To enhance their impact, they created, in 2009, the International Prematurity Awareness Day which was renamed a couple of years later, World Prematurity Day.
- What is Vygon’s place in this event ?
Because we value life, Vygon has dedicated a whole activity to neonatology for more than 40 years, in order to invent engineered single-use medical devices in collaboration with neonatologists. Our objective is to help healthcare professionals to give optimal care to each premature infant worldwide.
That’s why we fully support the World Prematurity Day.
Since 2015, November 17th has been an important date for Vygon and we have celebrated it worldwide. In 2019, 54 countries joined Vygon in the celebration.

What did Vygon organise for the 2023 edition ?
In 2023, Vygon is still committed to celebrate World Prematurity Day following this year’s theme: We Care for the Tiniest.
The caregivers are essentials for the well-being and the development of the premature babies. Healthcare professionals are of course irreplaceable to the babies, and their mission is to bring their medical knowledge to lead the premature babies to their full recovery.
Moreover, parents also have a significant place in the caregiving which usually helps their baby to recover faster. The skin-on-skin contact has shown its benefits on the preemies’ development.
Gather people all over the world to spread this important message of hope and awareness has been one of Vygon’s honorable purpose for 9 years.
For this year’s edition :
- We distributed WPD t-shirts and posters to celebrate this special event.
- We broadcast 4 video reports on Youtube (see below), each aiming a specific prematurity theme. At the Hospital Center of Valenciennes, we were lucky to meet and interview talented caregivers and loving parents, all eager to spread their knowledge about prematurity to support, in their own way, this important day.
- We organized an Escape Game for our collaborators to play and learn more about prematurity, and to realize how their job and Vygon’s products save preemies lives every day. For every participation, a donation was made to an association caring for neonates.
- We also elaborated a virtual escape game, for Vygon's collaborators, to raise awareness and collect funds for the same neonates association.
- We created a new anthem named “Preemie Love”. A video-clip has been made and released, the 17th november, on social medias.
- We created 2 Instagram filters to be used the 17th November. You can find them by typing “Prematurity2023” in the Instagram filter area.
- And many other events all over the world will be organized !
How did Vygon contribute to the WPD in 2022?
In 2023, over 40 countries joined us in the celebration.
Many events were organised: cake ceremonies, children’s activities, marathons, illuminations on buildings, donations, festive events in NICUs, etc.
Albania, Australia, Belgium, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vietnam